
Spring seems to have finally made a grand entrance, Yes Summers little sister seems to have finally got out of bed, gotten herself dressed and made up to grace us with her presence.

“My lady Spring, you are most welcome”

My rides this week have been lovely and cool in the mornings (Buff under helmet for the 1st half hour sort of temperature); but the rides home have been glorious, just jersey / vest & gillet weather!

Other than the benefits of not being dressed like an Arctic explorer on the bike every day, you know what Springs arrival means don’t you??

Dry trails, my friend, dry trails!

Even as i write my off road tracks between the homestead and office will be drying out, they will soon be solid and dusty, Oh dust! how i long for the trail of dust blasting from my rear wheel as I descend the Hill of death and pain, and Horse shoe hill!

No longer will I have to wash my bike and body free of mud after every ride, the Horses will no longer churn up my trails into unrideable mush! Dry fast dusty trails are on their way.


Gone will be the bogs, rivers of mud and general hard slog of winter, bring on the sunshine!

Welcome back Spring, I’ve missed you!

Bike Training:
Time on bike:110Min’s
Knee comfort during & after 7/10 (1 being can’t walk and 10 being no problems)
Weight: 14.1stone
Mileage past 24 hours: 22
Mileage so far this month: 271

Running Training
Time on the road:34 Min’s
Knee comfort during & after 5/10

One Response

  1. Spring, it sure does something to use outside junkies. šŸ™‚ Even my dogs have spring fever.

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