Man I can run a long way!!

It was planned, we were prepared… sort of.

Saturday morning me and “six pack” had planned to go for a long and quite hilly run.

We set off in good spirits and whipped up the first hill no problems, it was then down hill for a long way about 3 miles. after about 40 mins I was starting to get a numb foot again and considering how far we had to go i was worrying.

However a strategic stretching stop followed by a strategic shoe loosening stop meant that my legs got the blood going again and my foot came back to life.

We spotted out first fellow runners at about mile 5 and they looked much fresher than we felt so we decided to let them over take us.Being the gracious gentlemen that we are.

Mile 5.5 – 6 is a massive uphill and that nearly killed us off.

A considered stretching exercise   at the top (read stopped to rediscover oxygen)

The next 2 miles are reclaiming all the elevation that we’d lost over the previous 5 and all conversations came to halt we focused on the simple tasks of keeping moving and keeping breathing.

We scattered our previous running distances of 7 miles personal bests and kept going all the way to 8 then 9 and at 9 is where the suffering really started.

We were exhausted by the time we landed back at “six packs” house….. then I had to bike back home…..

So 10.79 miles done, 1 hour 50 mins…. exhausted!

Oh and I got a new toy from the LBS for a week: Specialized Tarmac Expert Test Bike full review write up later in the week

2 Responses

  1. Congratulations on the 10 miles.

    Running is amazingly effective at killing my legs for days.

  2. well done that man! 2 and a bit is slaughtering me on the feet at the minute

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